In case all of you WEbook fans haven't already heard, WEbook has officially made it onto the most widely circulated paper in the US, USA Today!
If you have a print copy go to page A9 or else use the internet as your medium to check out the phenominom itslelf at:
For anyone who has ever stayed up late scribbling down dreams in their notebooks, or taken the huge leap of faith to follow their passion as an artist, then you may be able to imagine what a powerful significance this day may hold. I have oficially claimed it as the Universal day to treat yourself to a nice massage, tall Margarita or a simple nap away from the world. (However you can find a way to acknowledge all of the hard work and tedious hours you have dedicated towards fighting to make your dreams a reality).
For at the end of the day, our strength lies not only in our courage to perservere through adversity, but also in our ability to appreciate and enjoy the roller coaster ride along the way!
Write On...
Sincerely J
If you have a print copy go to page A9 or else use the internet as your medium to check out the phenominom itslelf at:
For anyone who has ever stayed up late scribbling down dreams in their notebooks, or taken the huge leap of faith to follow their passion as an artist, then you may be able to imagine what a powerful significance this day may hold. I have oficially claimed it as the Universal day to treat yourself to a nice massage, tall Margarita or a simple nap away from the world. (However you can find a way to acknowledge all of the hard work and tedious hours you have dedicated towards fighting to make your dreams a reality).
For at the end of the day, our strength lies not only in our courage to perservere through adversity, but also in our ability to appreciate and enjoy the roller coaster ride along the way!
Write On...
Sincerely J